The amount of new construction building permits that go through this office in a year is about 25 times more than other towns around the same size.
Kevin Fair | Building Inspector | 423.753.1035 |
General Contact | Town Hall | 423.753.1030 |

Kevin Fair
New Changes (Forms or Fee Structure) Effective August 12, 2024
The activities of the Building Inspector include:
- Issue building permits
- Inspect new construction, renovation, repairs, or improvements to ensure compliance with applicable codes
- Ensure compliance with Historic Zoning Regulations
Building permits are required for any new construction, repairs, or additions for homes, garages, storage buildings, or any other structure that cost more than $1000 unless an inspection is required. Permits can be downloaded from this page or obtained from the Administration Office in Town Hall. The building inspector will inspect footers, concrete work, plumbing, framing, etc. to ensure construction meets 2018 ICC Codes requirements.
Grading permits must be obtained for any excavation, grading and filling work or when completely removing vegetation from a property, with the exception or gardening or farming. The grading permit allows the building inspector to ensure that silt fencing is installed where necessary in order to prevent sedimentation from getting into town streets or polluting streams and waterways.
Electrical inspections are handled through the City Electric Supply. Click to visit the City Electric Supplt website. Or visit
Gas Inspections are handled through Atmos Energy. Click to visit the Atmos Energy Website.
Additional resource information that might be needed when applying for permits to work in Jonesborough can be found below:
Development work on property greater than one acre requires a Drainage and Sedimentation Control Plan which must be approved by TDEC. Copies of the Stormwater Ordinance which details the requirements of the control plan can be downloaded on this page or obtained from Town Hall.
Approval by the Historic Zoning Commission before building, demolishing, or making any exterior changes to property located in Jonesborough’s Historic District (zoned H-1), a Certificate of Appropriateness must be obtained by bringing the proposed improvements before the Historic Zoning Commission for review and approval. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, which will put you on the Historic Zoning Commission agenda, can be obtained at the Administration office at Town Hall or from Zac Jenkins, Chairman of the Historic Zoning Commission 423.571.5003
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