Persimmon Ridge Coed Softball is Back!
8 TEAM MAXIMUM LEAGUE: First 8 teams with a completed packet will get the spots.
A PDF version of the packet can be found HERE
- A completed registration form
- $250.00 Registration Fee
- COMPLETED and SIGNED Roster of Players
- A copy of EVERYONE’S License &/or Official ID
- A release/use of town property waiver signed by each person on your roster.
Teams must have 9 players to begin a game. Males and females must be alternated in the batting order. You must have a minimum of 3 female players to play any game. To help better fill teams, we are allowing teams to play with 7 male and 3 female players. Team can have more than 3 females, but 3 females must be in the batting order and always play in the field.
League play will begin Monday, July 1st, 2024. Games will be played at 6pm, 7pm and 8pm. The league will consist of 7 weeks of regular play and 1 week of single elimination play. The tournament will take place the week of August 19th. Games will be played on Monday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays except for July 4th.
Registration will close on Monday, June 24th at 5 pm and the schedule will be posted on Tuesday, June 25th
Please turn in all packets to:
Town Hall/Robert Browning Building
Attn: Chris Kudera
123 Boone Street
Jonesborough, TN